H-K1 in Race (2015)

Great News from Japan!

KM H-K1 & Takahata Shoki became 2015 All Japan National Champion! ! !

Race Name : 2015 All Japan 1/10 GP National Championship

Date : 2015, Sept 12th~13th

Place : Hokusei Circuit,Japan

H-K1 Titles :

Champion—Takahata Shoki

Top 10–Two KM H-K1 in A Main Final

KM H-K1 & Takahata san became 2015 All Japan National Champion!!

After 10 years we competed in this most difficult & highest level national championship(Top 10 expert class drivers included 3 world champions,and all IFMAR A Main finalists), the first time and finally we took the champion titels!!!

Thanks for all the hard work of all KM drivers,and specially big thanks to my Japanese partner Manabu Mizota for his super hard work and great job!!!!!

Good News From Portugal!

Race Name : 2015 LusoGalaico Tropy

Date : 2015,Aug 1st & 2nd

Place : Portugal

H-K1 Titles :

TQ—Hugo Mendes

2nd Place—Hugo Mendes

4th Place—Tiago Afonso

Top 10—Hugo Mendes

Great news from Japan!!

Race : 2015 NikouMusen Series Race

Date : Aug 2nd 2015

Place : NikouMusen Racing Track

H-K1 Title :

Champion—Yuichi Adachi

Top 10—Three H-K1 in A Main

Below race report from KM Japan :

Our Team Driver, Adachi won the Race at NikouMusen Racing Track, again!!
For the grand final, 4 H-K1 was there by driving: 安達、国師、中山、滝
口!!(Adachi, Kunishi, Nakayama, Takiguchi)

Great Adachi-san!!

Good News from Japan !

Race Name : 2015 PGTC series 3

Place : Hokusei Circuit in Mie

Date : July 12th 2015

KM Title :

2nd place—Takahata Shoki

Below Race report From KM Japan :

We have a good news! !

Our team driver, Takahata-san attend PGTC series race, and he got 2nd place ! !

His open class, same as Japan National, almost all top drivers from all over Japan attended this race, because this track will be used for coming Japan National for 1/10 GP Sedan.

And such high level competition, Takahata got 2nd place with his H-K1WC kit ! !

Congulatulation Takahata & Thank you very much ! !

Good News From Hungary !

Race Name : 2015 Timar Laszio Memory GP Race

Place : Austria

Date : 2015,July 11th~12th

H-K1 Titles :

Best Lap — Barnabas Toth

3rd place — Barnabas Toth

Below race report by Gabor :

Dear Friends,

Please read our short summary from last weekend’s race: I gave my HK-1 to my very talented young friend Barnabas Toth, and I was driving my K8 this weekend. I had problems with my engine all weekend long. On the qualifications I drove 1st and 2nd fastest time, but in the 1/2 final and final I had bad luck with engine. Here is a short summary from Barnabas: Last week we had the Timár László Memory Race in Austria. The location was the famouse Stöhr-Ring, that I have visited for the first time. It was my first nitro race ever, so I didn’t have big expectations, I only wanted to learn a lot about the the car, and get to the finish line in the finals. Saturday we had two qualifications, and I was able to secure the 2nd position on the grid. Untill the first pit stop I was following the leader 5 seconds ahead of the 3rd spot driver, but after the stop I had overheating problems, and could only finish 6th, 4 laps behind the race winner. Sunday we had 3 qualifications, but I had some issues with the fuel and the traffic, so I could only get 7th after the qualies. In the 1/2 finals I put in a safe run, so I could start 4th in the Final. After a lap, I found myself in the 2nd spot, and had a good fight with the race leader, but unfortunately after 15 minutes I ran out of fuel, and lost a lap to the leader. The pace was definitly promising, I put in the fastest lap of the whole weekend. In the end I got 3rd in the 30 minitues long final, and in the overall standings as well. It was a great weekend, and the KM H-K1 worked awesome all weekend long.

Great News From Hong Kong !

Race name : 2015 Matrix International GP Championship In Hong Kong

Date : 2015 July, 4th~5th

Place : TRC track, Hong Kong

H-K1 Titles:

Best lap—Shinya Shimazaki

TQ—Shinya Shimazaki

Champion—Shinya Shimazaki

Top 10—Two H-K1 in A Main

K8 Titles:

Top 10—Two K8 in A Main

Good news from spain !

Race name : 2015 Nitro Series Españolas (NSE)

Date : 2015,June 21st

Place : Spain

H-K1 Titles :

Track Record —— Edu Escandon

Best Lap —— Edu Escandon

TQ —— Edu Escandon

B-Main Champion —— Marco Colomo

3rd place —— Raul Amella

Below Race Report From Edu :

I´m sending you the report from the 1st Round of the Nitro Series Españolas (NSE),the new Series Championship in Spain based on the popular Euro Nitro Series racing format.

First Round of the Nitro Series Españolas took place in Villareal the past weekend,with fine weather and a very technichal layout.

I was able to TQ 4 rounds of qualifiyng out of 5 (I didn´t take part on 3rd round of Quali due to a Battery failure),getting TQ honours with 0 points,setting the Fastest Lap and a new Track Record.

We used the Qualifiyng point system for the first time,counting the best 3 Rounds.

My KM HK-1 worked perfect with the new Evo3 Parts,especially the new shock towers and new brake pad worked pretty well for me.

On Sunday Marco Colomo was able to take the win in the B-Main with his HK-1,founding himself after a hard weekend with the quite technichal track.

Also Raul Amella Sr. rounded out the podium in 3rd with his HK-1.

A-Main started pretty well for me,running away from the rest of the field.

At mid-race I was leading with a confortable margin,1 lap ahead of the 2nd position,but unfortunately my steering servo broke after 20 minutes of the main,wich forced me to retire of the race.

Anyway,pretty happy with my package this weekend!

Looking forward to the next races.

See you!

Great News From Germany! ! !

Race name : 2015 Germany Nitro -West Master

Date : 2015,June 21st

Place : Wast,Germany

H-K1 Titles :



Great News From Germany! ! !

Race name : 2015 North German GP Championship

Date : 2015,June 21st

Place : Munster,Germany

H-K1 Titles :

Best Lap—Kristof Sielaff

TQ—Kristof Sielaff

Champion—Kristof Sielaff

Below Race Report from Kristof :

This Weekend, the third run for the northgerman championship took place in Munster.

In the first Qualifying, I already could reach the TQ.

Also I could drive the fastest lap of the Weekend (15,9 Seconds),

this only was two tenths slower than the trackrecord (Made 2012 by Eric Dankel).

I used the following Qualifyings for trying out some other setups. In the finals,

I could extend the lead. Unfortunately, I made a driving mistake,

so I dropped back on the third place, after short time,

I could eke out the second place again. When the first-place leader also did a mistake,

I could extend the lead again. After half of the finals, I had problems with my engine,

which got more and more lean. So I just could hold the lead. During two pitstops,

my engine ran out, but thanks to my KM HK-1, which functioned perfect,

I could win this race with two laps in advance in spite of this precarious situations.

Good news from Japan!

Race Name : 2015 Japan Nitsukou-Cup

Date : 2015 June, 7th

Place : Nitsukou Musen Racing Track, Japan

KM H-K1 Titles :

2nd Place : Nakayama Hiroo

4th place : Sawaki Kazuya

Top 10 : Two KM H-K1 in A Main

Below race report from Km Japan :

I just heard from KM driver Nakayama-san got 2nd place with his H-K1.

Also, Kazuya Sawaki got 4th place even he just start attending these competition race with his new H-K1.

Congratulation, Nakaya-san & Sawaki-san!!

KM double victory in Malayia!

Race Name: 2015 Malayia National Championship (round 2)

Date : 2015 May.31

Place : Malayia, Titiwangsa

KM H-K1 Title :

1/10 Champion—Baby Boy

KM K8 Title :

1/8 Champion—Alex

Good news from Japan!

Race Name: 2015 Japan Super Cup GP Race (Round 1)

Date : 2015 Apr.12

Place : Next Racing Track in Chiba, Japan

KM H-K1 Title :

Champion—Adachi san

2nd place—Shimizu san

4th place—Inoue san

Below race report from KM Japan :

Our Team Driver, Adachi-san just attend 2015 Super Cup Round 1 in NEXT Racing Track, in Chiba, yesterday.

And he won this race with his H-K1 WC version. Also, private H-K1 driver, Shimizu-san got 2nd,

and 4th place Inoue-san also drive KM H-K1. KM H-K1 dialed on this track last weekend! !

Congratulations for Adachi-san, Shimizu-san and Inoue-san! !

Great News From Hungary!

Race name : 2015 Hungarian Nitro National Championship

Date : 2015,May 17th

Place : Austria

H-K1 Title :

Champion—Forri Gabor

7th Place—Mate Toth

Top 10—Two KM H-K1

Below race report from Gabor :

please read my short summary of my last weekend’s nationals.

Last weekend we had Hungarian Nitro Nationals on race track Stöhr-Ring (Austria).

It was also an international club race, with 63 racers from 3 countries.

Saturday we had a beautiful sunny practice day.

Sunday morning the weather was still good during the qualifications,

but for the 1/2 finals it started to rain. I was second on the grid for the final.

We started the final under wet conditions, so I put rubber tires on my car.

In the first few laps it was not going so good,

i was 3rd or 4th at my first pit stop more than 1 lap behind the leader.

I also got a stop and go penalty for crossing the white line out of the box.

Than the track started to dry slowly. I was trying to find the dry lines and brake points,

and i was able to drive 2-3 seconds faster laps than the other drivers.

Some of them had electrical problems because water. For me it was going so good,

that for my 3rd pit stop i was leading by 2 laps. After that i was saving my tires,

and just brought the car safely to the finish line.

Other KM driver Mate Toth finished 7th on his first 1/10 onroad nitro race ever!

Good news from Germany!

Race name: 2015 North German Championship(2nd round)

Date: 2015 May,17th

Place: Hildesheim,Germany

KM H-K1 Titles:

Champion—Kristof Sielaff

Race report from Kristof :

This Weekend, the second run of the north german championship took place in Hildesheim. Again,

I arrived just on Sunday, for this reason, I had to use the Qualifying for working out and finding the fine tuning for my KM HK-1.

In the end, I reached the third starting position and I was content.

I could keep up this position for a long time and additionally could eke out the second place and kept it up until the ending.

Due to a car, which was not in accordance with the rules, the actual winner got disqualified and I gained the first place.

Special thanks go to my father (Siemotu) my girlfriend and my sponsors.

Top 3 final results: 1. Kristof Sielaff KM HK-1 Siemotu Engines contact Tyres 2. Bernd Hasselbring 3. Rico Kröber

We have a big victory in 2015 FEMCA! ! !

Race Name : 2015 FEMCA Asia On Road GP Championship In Hong Kong!

Place : Hong Kong

Date : 2015 April,17th-19th

1/10 GP touring car( KM H-K1)

1. Best Lap—Shimazaki Shinya(13.800sec)

2. TQ—Shimazaki Shinya

3. Top 10—3 H-K1 in A main

1/8 GP Touring Car(KM K8)

1. Best Lap—Shimazaki Shinya(12.211 sec)

2. TQ—Shimazaki Shinya

3. Champion—Takahata Shoki

4. Top10—2 H-K1 in A Main

KM K8 become the FEMCA Asia Champion car! ! !

Thank you!

Good News From Japan! ! !

Race Name : 2015 Nitsukou-musen Arrow Cup (1st round)

Place : Japan

Date : 2015 March,23th

H-K1 Titles :

Best Lap—Nakayama (15.615)



Top 10—4 H-K1 in A main

Below race report from KM Japan :

Good morning.

Hope you are fine.

Good news from our team driver, Adachi-san.

He attend Nitsukou-musen first series race in their permanent racing track, called Nitsukou-musen Arrow Cup.

And He got TQ and Win the final.

Also, private driver, Nakayama-san made the best lap 15.615 of the day by his H-K1 WC chassis.

Total 4 H-K1 drivers in the A final, means 40% share^^

Great news from Hong Kong!


Date : Mar 15th 2015

H-K1 Titles :

TQ : Shimazaki Shinya

Champion : Shimazaki Shinya

Top 10—Two H-K1 Meen Version

K8 Titles :

Champion : Shimazaki Shinya

Top 10—Two KM K8

TRC Best Lap Track Record :

1/10-H-K1 (Shimazaki Shinya) : 13.6sec

1/8-K8(Shimazaki Shinya) : 12.3sec

Good News from Portugal!

Race name : 2015 Portugal Championship

Date : 2015/3/8

Place : Portugal

H-K1 Titles :

2nd Place—Hugo Mendes

5th Place—Tiago

Top 10—Two H-K1 in A Main

Below race report from Hugo Mendes :

Great Weekend, Great Weather….. 2 KM Drivers in TOP 5, Hugo Mendes in 2º and Tiago with some problems in 5º. Hugo Mendes fight for 1º place in the second half of race, he run some time in 1º place but the rear tires finish and he not managed to keep position… Congratulations to Nuno Silva that had a better race strategy….

Great News From Japan! ! !

We have a great news from Japan for you!! One of the most high level competition series race in Japan, named PGTC for 1/10 GP Sedan, just started. And our KM Team Driver Takahata won this 1st series race! ! Even all best Japanese drivers from all over Japan, such as Shimo, Fukuda, Yokoyama, Terauchi and other Japan National finalist, were all there, let us repeat! ! Our KM Takahata beat everyone easily! ! The below is its evidence, only he made 35 laps, and also he made best lap during this final!! He is very stable, and very fast!! We can not wait coming race report from Takahata! !

Race: 2015 PGTC Series 1

Date: 2015 Mar.8th

Place: OS Field in Nara

Participants: 54 drivers for 3 classes

H-K1 Title: Open Class 1st Place by Takahata

Best Lap of the day 16.815 by Takahata

3 H-K1 in Open Class Final

Great news from Japan! ! !

Race : 2015 TamTam series race

Date: 2015 Feb15th

Place : TamTam Gifu Branch Racing Track

H-K1 Titles :


2nd Place—Kobayashi